Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Since I am allowed to make any post I want for one of my two obligatory Blog posts, I decided to talk about the snow. I have a rather strong fondness for it, in spite of the fact that I always spend most of my morning after a snowfall shoveling it. It is wonderful to look out the window and see a fresh blanket of snow covering my lawn. I may not be a child, but I have no aversion to playing in the snow. I make snowmen still. In fact, my mother actually told me that if we get snow she intends to build a snowman with me. Thinks that sounds strange? Well I shovel the snow, so I get to play in it. Don't like it? Take it up with me in a snowball fight.

So here is to hoping it actually snows before spring. Have a nice day everyone!


  1. Hey i love making snowmen too. i hope it doesnt snow too much. My car wont move then, plus i have work. Snowball fight? That actually sounds like Fun. Enjoy the snow! :)

  2. Hey, I also love the snow. I just dislike driving in it. Let's hope it actually does snow tomorrow & classes get canceled.

  3. Hello Nicole I hope you enjoyed your snow day and also had fun making snowmen. I love days like this when there is no work or school,its nice once in awhile to stay home and relax! This weather is crazy I cant believe how much it did snow. I went out a few times to shovel and just could not anymore. I wanted to take out my nephew but the wind was too strong for him since he is still so little. See you tomorrow if we have class!

  4. I love how silent the world is when it snows at night.
