Friday, April 16, 2010

Feminine Women and Power?

When it comes to femininity and power, it is often difficult for women to strike a balance between the two. For many what is masculine is simply more acceptable in comparison to what is feminine. Even for women, it is more acceptable to listen to a somewhat masculine women in charge than a more feminine one. Women have to be bold and assertive in order to get anywhere in life, so being quiet and submissive is not going to work. Dainty and feminine women are not at all likely to be taken seriously by the majority of the population due to our viewing what is masculine as stronger, better behavior, I'm afriad to say. This may not always be the case but it usually is.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break Thoughts

Hello everyone. How are your spring breaks going so far? Mine is fairly good so far. I went to the movies with a friend yesterday to see Shutter Island. It was better than I expected it to be. I won't tell anyone anything about it, partly because I won't be able to stop myself from spoiling the movie if I do, but it was an enjoyable one. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good suspenseful thriller.

So far I've been a bit busy with school work. I'm getting it done with now so that way the rest of my break will be enjoyable. I hope everyone has a good break and I'll see you all in a week!

Gender Differences in Orientation

I don't necessarily believe that people are more accepting of women being lesbians because they think it's fine. There is a stigma that men should act a certain way and women should act a certain way but when it comes down to it, women can cross the gender lines and act masculine much more easily. If a man behaves like a women, it is shameful and unnatural. If a women behaves like a man, it is unusual, but acceptable. The fact remains that being masculine is prized more highly than being feminine and leads to people accepting what is considered manly over what is considered feminine. So gay men come off much more shameful than gay women.

Friday, March 12, 2010

School What Else?

I don't know if it is just me, but this week has been stressful. I have three tests coming up next week, plus one mid-term along with several writing assignments, so I'm pretty much swamped with work. I'm working to the best of my ability to keep up with it all, but it is still a lot to be getting on with. I was studying on Tuesday, and it struck me just how stressed out I was. I actually spent around five minutes laughing from the mere stress of it all before going to bed. This has been a very hectic week for me, and next week promises to be just as bad, if not worse. So here is to hoping things go well.

Female Sexuality in the Media and Pop Culture

I was thinking about the image of women in pop culture for this response. My answer is, and I know that this is a bit of a cop out so bear with me, I don't think there is any one thing that can be perfectly positive. People have their own ideas about what is progressive and what is not. I think it is a matter of what the individual thinks. For example: two people could watch a music video that is somewhat sexual in nature and one of them could find it sexy and think there is nothing wrong with it while the other one would find it offensive. People just have different ideas concerning sexuality and what is fine and what's not. So that's what I have to say on the matter.

That and I hardly pay attention to what is on t.v. anyways and am unlikely to be in the loop about these things.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sex Scandals

I think that one of the biggest problems nowadays concerning a "sex scandal" is that it is so much easier for others to assess information. If a woman were to send sexual pictures of herself through the internet or via her phone, those pictures may fall into the wrong hands. In the hands of someone who finds them inappropriate or who simply wishes to discredit the woman, this could potentially ruin her reputation if the pictures are shown to many people or are over-embellished. Sex related scandals may not be as horrific as they used to be, but they sure can get around much easier, thanks to technology, which makes it even more urgent to remain careful.

Clare and Irene

I would like to start this off by saying that I am glad that it is left somewhat ambiguous as to whether or not Clare was pushed out of the window. If a story lets others decide the fate of it's characters, then that story has my favor for that at the very least. That being said:

I do not believe that Clare was pushed. I think that she was in a rough spot and that she simply did what she currently felt was easiest. Not everyone is strong enough to continue on through hardship, and she isn't. Irene felt genuinely sad by her death, which makes me think that she played no role in her falling. I could be wrong and I'm sure that others may see my reasoning as wrong but it was left somewhat open-ended. That is why we are able to debate on this.